Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson

TB_231001_CrystalDePietro_LisaHughes_JanJohnson-PatWright Download

29:58 Download October 8th, 2023

Et 29:58 

GM I’m PJ Today is Sunday, October 1st.   274th   day of the year 91 left in 2023 

Six years ago, on Oct. 1, 2017, a gunman opened fire from a room at the Mandalay Bay casino hotel in Las Vegas on a crowd of 22,000 country music fans at a concert below, leaving 58 people dead and more than 800 injured in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history; the gunman, killed himself before officers arrived. 

On this date:

In 1885, special delivery mail service began in the United States. 

In 1908, Henry Ford introduced his Model T automobile to the market. 

In 1955, the situation comedy “The Honeymooners,” starring Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows and Joyce Randolph, premiered on CBS-TV. 

In 1957, the motto “In God We Trust” began appearing on U.S. paper currency. 

In 1962, Johnny Carson debuted as host of NBC’s “Tonight Show,” beginning a nearly 30-year run. 

In 1971, Walt Disney World opened near Orlando, Florida. 

Three stories to tell on Talkback today!  The first is about this Thursday, October 5th’s Art Auction to benefit Connections of Cumberland County.  Both Silent and Active auctions benefit women…both with and without children…who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, by showing them path to self-sufficiency.  The event takes place Thursday night 6:30 to 8:30 at Studio 215, 215 Williams Street in Fayetteville at the intersection of Russell St. & Williams!  Executive Director Crystal Depietro joins us to tell us more this exciting event and your caring by attending, donating and winning bids for quality local artwork translates to good for Connections of Cumberland County and the women it tries to lend a hand-up! 

Our next story is told in our visit with longtime friend of Talkback, Lisa Hughes, now Executive Director of the non-profit Cumberland County Council on Older Adults.  Among Baby Boomers – that huge group of post-World War II generation Americans born between 1946 and 1964 – those born in 1958 are the ones this year that have crossed into the Medicare age-range of 65 and above.  In the months surrounding turning age 65, there are a series of choices to be made by every participant.  And, to have Medicare serve you the best, there are more decisions to be made every year.  The choices are the same for everyone of your age, but it’s up to you to seek out the information that helps you and your life the most.  Sorting through the details to give you the most useful information for you is just one of the services provided by the Cumberland Council on Older Adults.  Lisa Hughes joins us in a few minutes. 

And our third story in this morning’s edition of Talkback is told by the concept providers, architects and drivers of Fayetteville’s world-class independent film festival, IndigoMoonFilmFest – dedicated to the idea Film Inspires Change.  They are Jan Johnson and Pat Wright.  362 days of the year they run the non-profit Groundswell Pictures – a 501(c3) that produces, promotes, shows films, and teaches filmmaking – plus Moonlight Communications – an award-winning  Fayetteville-based Video Production Company – and a host of other businesses.  They join us this morning to begin detailing this years Indigo Moon Film Fest.  Scheduled Friday, October 13th through Sunday, October 15th.  If you’re near a computer, look up and bookmark  Jan and Pat will be along forthwith!  

First up, Crystal DePeitro begins telling us about Connections of Cumberland County, it’s mission and its Annual Auction of Art by Local Artists – also its biggest fundraising event of the year!  She’s in a unique position to tell the story of Connections of Cumberland County having been there almost since it began!  Meet Crystal DePietro! 

(Interview #1 – Crystal DePietro) 

For more details, see Connectionsofcc-dot-org.  Connectionsofcc-dot-ORG.   

Connecting to improve lives – empowering women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to become self-reliant. 

As promised, Next up is Lisa Hughes with the Cumberland County Council on Older Adults – a 501-c3 non-profit chartered to help Cumberland County residents aged 60 and above.  The coolest thing about the Council is although they are respected to whom they give services, they routinely pass along helpful information, including contact advice, to whomever asks.  And she joins me in wanting everyone who is a Medicare Part D Drug Plan recipient OR knows someone who is…the open enrollment period for Part D (October 15 thru December 7) is about to begin….and to be ready to get impartial, unbiased advice about your choices for the next calendar year!   Lisa Hughes and the Cumberland County Council on Older Adults stand ready to help! 

(Interview #2 – Lisa Hughes) 

Even if you don’t live in Cumberland County, you can call 910-484-0111 to get the phone number for NC SHIIP.  Search NC SHIIP.   

Now, it’s been almost a year since the last occurrence of the Indigo Moon Film Fest – this year’s gift to the Fayetteville area is about to take place in Historic Downtown Fayetteville.  80 independent films – some full-length, some as short as minute, most in-between.  Three screens, two at Fayetteville’s Cameo Theatre and Filmhouse on Hay St – one at The Capitol downtown.    

See for Films, Tickets, Pricing, Sponsor contributions 

There’s even a feature called Dinner and A Movie Director happening Saturday Night at SKyView on Hay for an additional $10 to any ticket package you purchase. 

We all know Film’s Box Office buster of the year has been “Barbie” 

With a surprise awaiting, let’s begin our conversation with Jan Johnson and Pat Wright!    

(Interview #3 – Pat Wright & Jan Johnson) 

Thanks, Pat Wright, Thanks Jan Johnson!  And the surprise we promised …there are 80 films selected for this year’s Indigo Moon Film Festival scheduled two weekends from now in Fayetteville– October 13-15!  We’ve so far talked about one!  (And hope we’ve inspired some interest in “Black Barbie”)  We’ve only got 79 to go!  So Pat and Jan will be back next week on the October 8th Talkback!   

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