Apple And Google Hash Out Plan To Prevent AirTag Stalking
Apple and Google released an announcement saying they will work together to lead an industry-wide initiative that would alert users in the case of unwanted tracking from Bluetooth devices. Otherwise known…

Apple and Google released an announcement saying they will work together to lead an industry-wide initiative that would alert users in the case of unwanted tracking from Bluetooth devices. Otherwise known as AirTag stalking.
Since launching its AirTag, Apple and other tech companies have continuously attempted to prevent unwanted tracking. While designed to work as a key finder, the AirTag is a part of Apple's "Find My" network. This means that virtually anyone could use an AirTag to track someone without their knowledge.
ABC News reported that in December of 2022, two women filed a class-action lawsuit in California, claiming the product made it easier for them to be stalked and harassed by abusers. They also reported that an Indianapolis man, Andre Smith, was allegedly killed by an ex-girlfriend who police say used an AirTag to track him down in June 2022.
Specific steps have been taken to prevent stalking, such as alerting iPhone owners if someone else's AirTag is near them and warning users that an AirTag has been out of range of an Apple device for more than 8 hours and will start to beep to let the user locate it.
Apple and Google teamed up to make Bluetooth tracking devices safer.
The company has now tapped Google to build upon AirTag's anti-stalking protections. Together, they have submitted a "proposed industry specification" that will recognize and then alert any device with a Bluetooth connection. Not only iPhones but if an unwanted AirTag is nearby.
"Apple launched AirTag to give users the peace of mind knowing where to find their most important items," said Ron Huang, Apple's vice president of Sensing and Connectivity, in a statement. He said they built AirTag and the "Find My" network with features to discourage unwanted tracking. Which he noted was "a first in the industry."
"A critical step forward to help combat unwanted tracking"
"We continue to make improvements to help ensure the technology is being used as intended," said Huang. "This new industry specification builds upon the AirTag protections, and through collaboration with Google results in a critical step forward to help combat unwanted tracking across iOS and Android.”
Ahead of Apple's announcement, AirTags were highlighted along with a bit of good news. The New York Police Department was encouraging car owners to use AirTag to prevent car theft, which increased following viral videos demonstrating hot wiring Kia and Hyundai vehicles. The city said it was also distributing 500 free AirTags to car owners, donated by the nonprofit Association for a Better New York.
5 Apps You Should Delete From Your Phone Now To Protect Your Privacy
Our everyday devices help us keep in contact with loved ones, they help us to work efficiently, and they are there in case of an emergency. However, certain apps can cause a breach in your privacy and take up much-needed gigabytes (not to mention battery power).
Certain apps running in the background are collecting unused data in the hopes of selling that data to larger companies. Double-check that these kinds of apps are no longer on your phone.
Here are some app types you can ditch to save you from data leaks and make room for more storage on your phone:
If you believe your information has been compromised, file a complaint at IC3. And listen to an interview with FBI Charlotte Divisoin Public Affairs Specialist Shelley Lynch where she talks about phone security here.
QR Code Apps

You no longer need to have a specific app in order to use a QR code. With contactless options, a lot of restaurants and other service industry establishments have opted to use QR code menus instead of a physical menu option. But all you have to do is open your phone and use the camera app to capture the QR code.
Scanner Apps

Do you know the app that you use to jot down your grocery list? Well, it can scan too. With an iPhone, you are able to scan documents with just your pre-installed "Notes" app. In the "Notes" app, choose the camera icon and tap the "scan documents" feature. A camera-like window will appear for you to snap your documents quickly be emailed or saved onto your computer.
Flashlight Apps

As you know, most smartphones come with a "flashlight" option for when you're in need of some extra light in a dark space (or an impromptu candlelight dinner) but that's not even the alarming reason as to why you don't need to keep this extra app on your phone. Cases show that the use of third-party flashlight apps can assist in data leaks. Per USA Today, "many of these apps request permission to track your location, and they could even be hiding malware." So, ditch this app and use the pre-installed one.
Pre-Installed Apps

Pre-installed apps can take a ton of space on your phone without even realizing it. As IOS has advanced, pre-installed apps are able to be removed by the user without a second thought. Check your phone: when was the last time you used your "Measure" app?
Third-Party Screen Recorders

Saving your favorite TikTok on a shady third-party screen recorder is a thing of the past as you can easily screen record with the built-in screen recorder from Apple. By using third-party screen recording apps you are opening yourself up to potential data leaks by companies having access to exactly how you use your screen, even when you aren't using it. According to Check Point Research per ZDNet, screen recording apps have proven to be one of the types of apps that leak data that can expose your "email records, chat messages, location information, user IDs, passwords, and images."