Kelly Clarkson’s Ex-Husband Is Refusing To Leave Montana Ranch
Even though a judge ruled that Kelly Clarkson would retain ownership of her Montana Ranch in the divorce, her ex Brandon Blackstock, who lives on the property “seems to be…

Even though a judge ruled that Kelly Clarkson would retain ownership of her Montana Ranch in the divorce, her ex Brandon Blackstock, who lives on the property "seems to be in denial" about that, according to a source.
Radaronline reports that Brandon Blackstock, who was questioned about the ranch while at the LA airport by the paparazzi, didn't know that a judge had ruled on the ranch when asked.
Brandon, who reportedly quit his job as a music manager to become a full-time rancher, has been trying to have the couple's prenuptial agreement thrown out.
Blackstock said he believes the homes Kelly bought during their marriage should be considered marital property.
Sources close to Kelly say she is ready to sell off the Montana ranch and wants Brandon off the property immediately.
As we reported, the judge said Clarkson had all rights to the other rental properties, and Brandon had no ownership.
GALLERY: Ten Interesting Facts About Kelly Clarkson