City of Fayetteville Hurricane Dorian Update for Wednesday
The following service updates are provided below for City services, which will be affected by Hurricane Dorian. The public will be notified of any other possible service changes for Thursday…

The following service updates are provided below for City services, which will be affected by Hurricane Dorian.
- Airport: The Fayetteville Regional Airport is preparing for the potential effects of Hurricane Dorian and will provide updates on airport services as they arise throughout the storm. Travelers should contact their airline directly for information on flights in and out of the airport that might be affected by Hurricane Dorian.
- Parks and Recreation: All Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed and their programs cancelled for Thursday, Sep. 5. A decision regarding Friday’s Parks and Recreation programs and services will be made at the appropriate time and shared as soon as possible.
- Garbage pickup: Thursday’s garbage and yard waste to include bulky pick up will be canceled tomorrow. Weather permitting, household garbage only will resume Friday.
- Recycling pickup: Recycling will still be collected tomorrow, Thursday September 5th.
- FAST Transit Services: FAST Transit services will operate its regular routes, including FASTTRAC, on Thursday, Sep. 5 until noon, at which time we will suspend services. A decision will be made on when to reinstate FAST Transit services as soon as possible.
The public will be notified of any other possible service changes for Thursday and beyond via press releases and the City’s social media platforms. Those changes will also posted on the City’s website; click on the alert banner at the top of to get the latest storm-affected updates.
By 7 am tomorrow morning, Sep 5, the City’s Corporate Communications Department will be co-locating with the County Public Information Office in the County’s Emergency Operations Center, forming the Joint Information Center. At that time we will notify media of the stand-up of the Joint Information Center and all City-related information for the duration of the weather event will be sent as Joint County/City press releases to keep the public abreast of the storm effects on our region.
Ways to Stay Connected:
- Visit the City’s website at In the event of an emergency, an alert banner will be activated at the top of the webpage, listing information specifically related to the emergency.
- Download the City of Fayetteville NC App from Google Play or the Apple App Store
- Like the City’s Facebook page at
- Watch local updates on FayTV at or on Spectrum Cable Ch. 7
- Follow the Fire/Emergency Management Department on Facebook at
- Follow the Fayetteville Police Department on Facebook at
- Access the Police Department’s app directly through the City app or download by typing in Fayetteville Police Department through Google Play and the Apple App Store
- Sign up for Cumberland Alerts at; click on the icon at the bottom of the page, titled “Cumberland Alerts,” to enroll in the alerts program.
As Dorian approaches, residents are recommended to have a plan for their families and pets, as well as prepare three-day emergency kits. All of the planning, preparedness and weather information that residents need is available at and the Ready NC app. Additional storm prep information is located on the City’s hurricane webpage, which can be accessed at by following the links provided in the red alert banner at the top of the page.
Citizens can check their storm drains and remove leaves, pine straw or other debris to allow for better water drainage. The Street Maintenance Division with the Public Services Department is performing street sweeping and looking at areas with problematic storm drains. For more information on cleaning storm drains, residents should watch the City’s PSA “Help Keep Our Storm Drains Clean” at this link:
If flooding does occur, as with any storm, citizens are reminded to not drive through standing water. They should remember the words, “Turn Around, Don’t Drown” and watch the PSA about the topic at:
As with any large storms that may affect our area, residents are asked to call 911 for health and life-threatening emergencies only. For downed power lines, sinkholes, street maintenance, debris issues and other storm-related work orders, download the City’s FayFixIt app to report the problem.